Black and white photograph of a woman lying in a hammock, leisurely swinging in front of a rustic cabin, embodying a tranquil escape into nature

From the heart of the earth, secrets softly rise,
In herbs, roots, and whispered leaves, paths to long-lived skies.
Japanese blossoms greet the dawn, find balance in your way,
In ancient knowledge's dance, let spirits gently sway.

Imagine a world where the secrets of longevity are not secrets at all, but rather harmonious expressions of nature’s gifts combined with the latest advancements in scientific understanding. As an MD, PhD, and alchemist in holistic medicine, I fuse the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Japanese healing arts into transformative youth powder creations at MyLongevityLife.
Each product is a crafted masterpiece curated with love and care. From immune system support to daily youth and focus, each product is formulated with the highest quality ingredients to maximize efficacy and deliver noticeable results. They are designed to support a beautiful, healthy life, ensuring lasting youthfulness.


I am driven to blend age-old wisdom with today's medical innovations, create solutions that honor timeless knowledge and modern advancements in longevity science. "From earth we come, to earth we return," reminds us of our role in the cycle of growth and renewal. Our supplements are vegan, crafted from sustainably and ethically sourced ingredients. Feel good about what you put into your body and how it impacts the world.

Love and gratitude


Ancient Chinese artwork depicting two individuals in traditional attire, tenderly holding and gazing at a baby, symbolizing familial love and cultural heritage.

Lao Tzu 老子, the sage of Taoism 道教, spoke of the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of living in alignment with the natural order. His teachings remind us that true longevity is not merely about extending years, but about living with vitality, wisdom, and inner harmony.

At MyLongevityLife, we blend the profound traditions of Traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine with insights from ten meticulously studied ancient herbs. These herbs, revered for their life-giving properties, embody humanity’s ancient quest for longevity. We weave this ancient wisdom with new and innovative technologies, honoring Taoist principles of embracing change while rooted in timeless wisdom.

Image showcasing a collection of Chinese characters with emphasis on a larger, central symbol, highlighting the intricacy and significance of Chinese calligraphy.

七道学道 Qi Dao Xue Dao
易道 七道 Yi Dao Qi Dao
新道 一道 Xin Dao Yi Dao
新道 一道 Xin Dao Yi Dao
energy arrives, blood follows
consciousness leads to qi flow
the heart thinks, things are done
the heart arrives, the mind follows

In the timeless wisdom of Taoism, the Da Ai mantra holds profound significance as a tool for resolving inner blockages and promoting longevity. Da Ai, meaning "greatest love," encapsulates the essence of unconditional compassion and harmony with the universe—a philosophy that extends beyond spiritual practice into the realm of physical and emotional well-being.
At its core, Taoism teaches that blockages within the body and mind disrupt the flow of Qi, the vital life force that sustains health and vitality. These blockages can manifest as physical ailments, emotional disturbances, or mental stagnation. The Da Ai mantra acts as a transformative force, harmonizing these disruptions and restoring balance to the individual.

益世大爱 Yi Shi Da Ai
吴兑简爱 Wu Tiao Jian Ai
荣华再南 Rong Hua Zai Nan
辛晴 沈明 Xin Qing Shen Ming