Our reference is the forest. We invest 50% of our earnings into protecting the rainforest in Yucatan (Mexico). We live on 100 hectares of rainforest in Mexico and are protecting 500 hectares around additionally. Support our mission to protect 1.000.000 hectares of rainforest until 2050.

We live in 100 hectares of rainforest in Mexico and are proctecting 500 hectares around additionally. Our mission is to protect 1.000.000 hectares of rainforest until 2050. Deep in the rainforest the beautiful and powerful Mayan civilization that inhabited the site of Chan Ká Vergel as part of the pyramidal landscape of Uxmal and the entire Yucatan peninsula maintained population densities many times higher than today. The ancient Maya lived a healthy and highly productive, self-sufficient and abundant life at the same time. Now his descendants are re-creating this ancient site to restore their grandparents' practices and create in an healthy and clean environment.